
Simulado Banco do Brasil - Inglês 1 (Edital 2015) | CONCURSO

Simulado Banco do Brasil - Inglês 1 (Edital 2015)

Simulado conforme Edital do Concurso Banco do Brasil 2015


Aprimorar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante os seus estudos, de forma a avaliar a sua aprendizagem, utilizando para isso as metodologias e critérios idênticos aos maiores e melhores concursos públicos do país, através de simulados, provas e questões de concursos.


Candidatos e/ou concursandos, que almejam aprovação em concursos públicos de nível Médio do concurso Banco do Brasil .


Este simulado contém questões da banca CESGRANRIO, para nível Médio do cargo de Escriturário. Auxiliando em sua aprovação no concurso público escolhido. Utilizamos provas de concursos anteriores, conforme editais mais recentes Banco do Brasil .

*CONTEÚDO PROGRAMÁTICO DA PROVA-SIMULADO- QUESTÕES de Inglês 1 do concurso Banco do Brasil .

  1. Questões de Inglês

  • Nem todos os assuntos serão abordados neste simulado de prova e questões de Inglês 1.;

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(1,0) 1 - 


Beware the power of the blog

 Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them they may be inviting some PR disasters. The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a remarkable impact.  



The function of the title of this text is to 

  • a)  praise.
  • b)  warn. 
  • c) complain. 
  • d)  cheer. 
  • e)  lament. 
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(1,0) 2 - 


Beware the power of the blog

 Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them they may be inviting some PR disasters. The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a remarkable impact.  



According to the text, blogs are 

  • a)  selling. 
  • b)  increasing. 
  • c)  diminishing. 
  • d)  agitating. 
  • e) contaminating. 
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(1,0) 3 - 


Beware the power of the blog

 Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them they may be inviting some PR disasters. The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a remarkable impact.  



The writer’s opinion about blogs is that

  • a) most of them are crucial. 
  • b) none of them are essential. 
  • c) some of them can be striking. 
  • d) nearly all of them are important. 
  • e) they are all relevant. 
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(1,0) 4 - 

United States Mint Announces 2012 Presidential$1 Coin Designs



1 The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation’s

unique manufacturer of dollars (bills and coins), so that the country

can conduct its trade and commerce. In addition to producing currency, the United

States Mint also produces uncirculated and commemorative coins;

Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum coins.

6 Today the United States Mint announced the new designs that will

appear on the Presidential $1 Coins in 2012. Each coin has two sides:

the heads and the tails. The obverse (heads sides) of the coins will

bear portraits of former Presidents Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland

(first term), Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland (second term).

11 Inscriptions on the obverse of each coin include the President’s name,

the years of his term in office, a number indicating the order in which

he served, and the inscription IN GOD WE TRUST. The portraits of

Chester Arthur and Grover Cleveland were designed and sculpted by

United States Mint culptor-Engraver Don Everhart. The portrait of

Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by United States Mint

Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.

17 All coins in the Presidential $1 Coin Program bear a common reverse

(tails side) featuring the iconic Statue of Liberty, designed and

sculpted byEverhart. Inscriptions on the reverse are $1 and UNITED

STATES OF AMERICA. The year of minting, or issuance, E PLURIBUS

UNUM and the mint mark are incused on the edge of the coins.

22  The Presidential $1 Coin Program is authorized by Public Law 109-145.

Although production of circulating Presidential $1 Coins will soon be

suspended, collectible versions of the coin will continue to be available

in select United States Mint offerings. For information on the

availability and pricing of products featuring Presidential $1 Coins, visit
 or call 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).

 In the text, the word in parentheses that describes the idea expressed by the words in bold-face type is in:

  • a) “the Nation’s unique manufacturer” – line 2 (first) 
  • b) “the country can conduct its trade and commerce.” – lines 2-3 (transportation) 
  • c)  “In addition to producing currency” – line 3 (Besides) 
  • d)  “producing currency, the United States Mint” – lines 3-4 (chain) 
  • e) “commemorative coins; Congressional Gold Medals.” – lines 4-5 (bills) 
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(1,0) 5 - 

United States Mint Announces 2012 Presidential$1 Coin Designs



1 The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation’s

unique manufacturer of dollars (bills and coins), so that the country

can conduct its trade and commerce. In addition to producing currency, the United

States Mint also produces uncirculated and commemorative coins;

Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum coins.

6 Today the United States Mint announced the new designs that will

appear on the Presidential $1 Coins in 2012. Each coin has two sides:

the heads and the tails. The obverse (heads sides) of the coins will

bear portraits of former Presidents Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland

(first term), Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland (second term).

11 Inscriptions on the obverse of each coin include the President’s name,

the years of his term in office, a number indicating the order in which

he served, and the inscription IN GOD WE TRUST. The portraits of

Chester Arthur and Grover Cleveland were designed and sculpted by

United States Mint culptor-Engraver Don Everhart. The portrait of

Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by United States Mint

Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.

17 All coins in the Presidential $1 Coin Program bear a common reverse

(tails side) featuring the iconic Statue of Liberty, designed and

sculpted byEverhart. Inscriptions on the reverse are $1 and UNITED

STATES OF AMERICA. The year of minting, or issuance, E PLURIBUS

UNUM and the mint mark are incused on the edge of the coins.

22  The Presidential $1 Coin Program is authorized by Public Law 109-145.

Although production of circulating Presidential $1 Coins will soon be

suspended, collectible versions of the coin will continue to be available

in select United States Mint offerings. For information on the

availability and pricing of products featuring Presidential $1 Coins, visit
 or call 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).


In 2012, the heads of the $1 coins will carry illustrations of 

  • a)  former presidents’ portraits 
  • b)  former presidents standing up 
  • c)  a former president sitting down 
  • d)  the current president’s face 
  • e)  the current president standing up
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(1,0) 6 - 

United States Mint Announces 2012 Presidential$1 Coin Designs



1 The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation’s

unique manufacturer of dollars (bills and coins), so that the country

can conduct its trade and commerce. In addition to producing currency, the United

States Mint also produces uncirculated and commemorative coins;

Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum coins.

6 Today the United States Mint announced the new designs that will

appear on the Presidential $1 Coins in 2012. Each coin has two sides:

the heads and the tails. The obverse (heads sides) of the coins will

bear portraits of former Presidents Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland

(first term), Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland (second term).

11 Inscriptions on the obverse of each coin include the President’s name,

the years of his term in office, a number indicating the order in which

he served, and the inscription IN GOD WE TRUST. The portraits of

Chester Arthur and Grover Cleveland were designed and sculpted by

United States Mint culptor-Engraver Don Everhart. The portrait of

Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by United States Mint

Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.

17 All coins in the Presidential $1 Coin Program bear a common reverse

(tails side) featuring the iconic Statue of Liberty, designed and

sculpted byEverhart. Inscriptions on the reverse are $1 and UNITED

STATES OF AMERICA. The year of minting, or issuance, E PLURIBUS

UNUM and the mint mark are incused on the edge of the coins.

22  The Presidential $1 Coin Program is authorized by Public Law 109-145.

Although production of circulating Presidential $1 Coins will soon be

suspended, collectible versions of the coin will continue to be available

in select United States Mint offerings. For information on the

availability and pricing of products featuring Presidential $1 Coins, visit
 or call 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).


According to the text, the obverse of each coin includes all the following pieces of information, EXCEPT 

  • a)  a former president’s portrait 
  • b) a numeral with the president’s term order 
  • c)  an inscription 
  • d)  the year the president served his term 
  • e)  an engraving with Don Everhart’s face 
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(1,0) 7 - 

United States Mint Announces 2012 Presidential$1 Coin Designs



1 The United States Mint, created by Congress in 1792, is the Nation’s

unique manufacturer of dollars (bills and coins), so that the country

can conduct its trade and commerce. In addition to producing currency, the United

States Mint also produces uncirculated and commemorative coins;

Congressional Gold Medals; and silver, gold and platinum coins.

6 Today the United States Mint announced the new designs that will

appear on the Presidential $1 Coins in 2012. Each coin has two sides:

the heads and the tails. The obverse (heads sides) of the coins will

bear portraits of former Presidents Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland

(first term), Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland (second term).

11 Inscriptions on the obverse of each coin include the President’s name,

the years of his term in office, a number indicating the order in which

he served, and the inscription IN GOD WE TRUST. The portraits of

Chester Arthur and Grover Cleveland were designed and sculpted by

United States Mint culptor-Engraver Don Everhart. The portrait of

Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by United States Mint

Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.

17 All coins in the Presidential $1 Coin Program bear a common reverse

(tails side) featuring the iconic Statue of Liberty, designed and

sculpted byEverhart. Inscriptions on the reverse are $1 and UNITED

STATES OF AMERICA. The year of minting, or issuance, E PLURIBUS

UNUM and the mint mark are incused on the edge of the coins.

22  The Presidential $1 Coin Program is authorized by Public Law 109-145.

Although production of circulating Presidential $1 Coins will soon be

suspended, collectible versions of the coin will continue to be available

in select United States Mint offerings. For information on the

availability and pricing of products featuring Presidential $1 Coins, visit
 or call 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).


An equivalent way of saying “The portrait of Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill.” (lines 15-16) is in:

  • a) Benjamin Harrison designed and sculpted the portrait of Phebe Hemphill in the United States. 
  • b) Authored by United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Benjamin Harrison, the portrait of Phebe Hemphill was designed and sculpted. 
  • c)  Phebe Hemphill’s portrait of Benjamin Harrison was designed and sculpted by a United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver.
  • d) United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill designed and sculpted the portrait of Benjamin Harrison. 
  • e)  United States Mint Sculptor-Engraver Phebe Hemphill had her portrait designed and sculpted by Benjamin Harrison.