
Prova Antaq - Inglês - Questões e Simulados (Edital 2014) | CONCURSO

Prova Antaq - Inglês - Questões e Simulados (Edital 2014)

"Questões ou Simulados conforme Edital do Concurso Antaq 2014


Aprimorar os conhecimentos adquiridos durante os seus estudos, de forma a avaliar a sua aprendizagem, utilizando para isso as metodologias e critérios idênticos aos maiores e melhores concursos públicos do país, através de simulados, provas e questões de concursos.


Candidatos e/ou concursandos, que almejam aprovação em concursos públicos de nível Superior/Médio do concurso Antaq.


Este simulado contém questões da banca CESPE, para nível Superior/Médio do cargo de Vários. Auxiliando em sua aprovação no concurso público escolhido. Utilizamos provas de concursos anteriores, conforme editais mais recentes Antaq.


  1. Questões de Compreensão de textos escritos em língua inglesa e itens gramaticais relevantes para o entendimento dos sentidos dos textos.

  • Nem todos os assuntos serão abordados neste simulado de prova e questões de Inglês."


(1,0) 1 - 

Types of operating systems

A real-time operating system is a multitasking operating system that aims at executing real-time applications. Real-time operating systems often use specialized scheduling algorithms so that they can achieve a deterministic nature of behavior. The main objective of real-time operating systems is their quick and predictable response to events. They have an event-driven or time-sharing design and often aspects of both. An event-driven system switches between tasks based on their priorities or external events while time-sharing operating systems switch tasks based on clock interrupts.

A multi-user operating system allows multiple users to access a computer system at the same time. Time-sharing systems and Internet servers can be classified as multi-user systems as they enable multiple-user access to a computer through the sharing of time. Single-user operating systems have only one user but may allow multiple programs to run at the same time.

Multi-tasking vs. single-tasking
A multi-tasking operating system allows more than one program to be running at the same time, from the point of view of human time scales. A single-tasking system has only one running program. Multi-tasking can be of two types: pre-emptive and co-operative. In pre-emptive multitasking, the operating system slices the CPU time and dedicates one slot to each of the programs. Unix-like operating systems such as Solaris and Linux support pre-emptive multitasking, as does AmigaOS. Cooperative multitasking is achieved by relying on each process to give time to the other processes in a defined manner. 16-bit versions of Microsoft Windows used cooperative multi-tasking. 32-bit versions of both Windows NT and Win9x, used pre-emptive multi-tasking. Mac OS prior to OS X used to support cooperative multitasking.

A distributed operating system manages a group of independent computers and makes them appear to be a single computer. The development of networked computers that could be linked and communicate with each other gave rise to distributed computing. Distributed computations are carried out on more than one machine. When computers in a group work in cooperation, they make a distributed system.

Embedded operating systems are designed to be used in embedded computer systems. They are designed to operate on small machines like PDAs with less autonomy. They are able to operate with a limited number of resources. They are very compact and extremely efficient by design. Windows CE and Minix 3 are some examples of embedded operating systems.

Internet: (adapted)


Based on the text above, judge the following items from 111 through 116.

Systems that use time-sharing are not considered to be multi- user systems, since they do not allow the simultaneous access of several users to a computer.

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(1,0) 2 - 

Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by


renewable electricity by 2050 through the implementation of a
"SuperSmart Grid", according to a report issued this week by global
advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per
cent renewable electricity would address energy security and supply
concerns, while decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing
energy poverty, according to the study.
The proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and
demand management for power independently of where and when
the electricity is generated.
The system would capitalize on natural resources and
established weather patterns and would incorporate: southern
Europe and North Africa's solar power potential; the hydro
capability of Scandinavia and the European Alps; onshore and
offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea; Europe's
potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent.
According to Gus Schellekens, director of sustainability
and climate change at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Europe is now at
a crossroads, where the choice and ability to achieve renewable
power at scale is evident. "Opportunities to use clean and affordable
natural sources of electricity have been flirted with over the past
150 years. This study lays out a clear framework of how this time
could be different", he says.
The dominant source of European power is fossil fuels (55
per cent), while nuclear power provides 30 per cent and 15 per cent
is derived from renewable sources. According to the PwC study, a
renewables-powered Europe would change the landscape for
consumers and business. Electro-mobility could be introduced on
a mass scale, eliminating the carbon costs of day-to-day transport
for people and goods.


Based on the text, judge the items below.

The complete substitution of the current sources would be directed to energy security and supply concerns as well as decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing energy poverty.

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(1,0) 3 - 

Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by


renewable electricity by 2050 through the implementation of a
"SuperSmart Grid", according to a report issued this week by global
advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per
cent renewable electricity would address energy security and supply
concerns, while decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing
energy poverty, according to the study.
The proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and
demand management for power independently of where and when
the electricity is generated.
The system would capitalize on natural resources and
established weather patterns and would incorporate: southern
Europe and North Africa's solar power potential; the hydro
capability of Scandinavia and the European Alps; onshore and
offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea; Europe's
potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent.
According to Gus Schellekens, director of sustainability
and climate change at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Europe is now at
a crossroads, where the choice and ability to achieve renewable
power at scale is evident. "Opportunities to use clean and affordable
natural sources of electricity have been flirted with over the past
150 years. This study lays out a clear framework of how this time
could be different", he says.
The dominant source of European power is fossil fuels (55
per cent), while nuclear power provides 30 per cent and 15 per cent
is derived from renewable sources. According to the PwC study, a
renewables-powered Europe would change the landscape for
consumers and business. Electro-mobility could be introduced on
a mass scale, eliminating the carbon costs of day-to-day transport
for people and goods.

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Based on the text, judge the items below.

Europe would contribute with some different sources of energy.

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(1,0) 4 - 

Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by


renewable electricity by 2050 through the implementation of a
"SuperSmart Grid", according to a report issued this week by global
advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per
cent renewable electricity would address energy security and supply
concerns, while decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing
energy poverty, according to the study.
The proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and
demand management for power independently of where and when
the electricity is generated.
The system would capitalize on natural resources and
established weather patterns and would incorporate: southern
Europe and North Africa's solar power potential; the hydro
capability of Scandinavia and the European Alps; onshore and
offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea; Europe's
potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent.
According to Gus Schellekens, director of sustainability
and climate change at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Europe is now at
a crossroads, where the choice and ability to achieve renewable
power at scale is evident. "Opportunities to use clean and affordable
natural sources of electricity have been flirted with over the past
150 years. This study lays out a clear framework of how this time
could be different", he says.
The dominant source of European power is fossil fuels (55
per cent), while nuclear power provides 30 per cent and 15 per cent
is derived from renewable sources. According to the PwC study, a
renewables-powered Europe would change the landscape for
consumers and business. Electro-mobility could be introduced on
a mass scale, eliminating the carbon costs of day-to-day transport
for people and goods.


Based on the text, judge the items below.

Wind farms located far away from the coast are also supposed to take part in the project.

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(1,0) 5 - 

Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by


renewable electricity by 2050 through the implementation of a
"SuperSmart Grid", according to a report issued this week by global
advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per
cent renewable electricity would address energy security and supply
concerns, while decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing
energy poverty, according to the study.
The proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and
demand management for power independently of where and when
the electricity is generated.
The system would capitalize on natural resources and
established weather patterns and would incorporate: southern
Europe and North Africa's solar power potential; the hydro
capability of Scandinavia and the European Alps; onshore and
offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea; Europe's
potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent.
According to Gus Schellekens, director of sustainability
and climate change at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Europe is now at
a crossroads, where the choice and ability to achieve renewable
power at scale is evident. "Opportunities to use clean and affordable
natural sources of electricity have been flirted with over the past
150 years. This study lays out a clear framework of how this time
could be different", he says.
The dominant source of European power is fossil fuels (55
per cent), while nuclear power provides 30 per cent and 15 per cent
is derived from renewable sources. According to the PwC study, a
renewables-powered Europe would change the landscape for
consumers and business. Electro-mobility could be introduced on
a mass scale, eliminating the carbon costs of day-to-day transport
for people and goods.

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It is possible to infer from the text that

the use of not dirty and inexpensive natural sources of electricity has been considered during the last 150 years.

Seja o primeiro a comentar

(1,0) 6 - 

Europe and North Africa could be powered solely by


renewable electricity by 2050 through the implementation of a
"SuperSmart Grid", according to a report issued this week by global
advisory firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
According to Energy Source, the achievement of 100 per
cent renewable electricity would address energy security and supply
concerns, while decarbonizing electricity generation and reducing
energy poverty, according to the study.
The proposed SuperSmart Grid would allow load and
demand management for power independently of where and when
the electricity is generated.
The system would capitalize on natural resources and
established weather patterns and would incorporate: southern
Europe and North Africa's solar power potential; the hydro
capability of Scandinavia and the European Alps; onshore and
offshore wind farms in the Baltic and the North Sea; Europe's
potential for tidal and wave power; and biomass generation across
the continent.
According to Gus Schellekens, director of sustainability
and climate change at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Europe is now at
a crossroads, where the choice and ability to achieve renewable
power at scale is evident. "Opportunities to use clean and affordable
natural sources of electricity have been flirted with over the past
150 years. This study lays out a clear framework of how this time
could be different", he says.
The dominant source of European power is fossil fuels (55
per cent), while nuclear power provides 30 per cent and 15 per cent
is derived from renewable sources. According to the PwC study, a
renewables-powered Europe would change the landscape for
consumers and business. Electro-mobility could be introduced on
a mass scale, eliminating the carbon costs of day-to-day transport
for people and goods.

Imagem 003.jpg


It is possible to infer from the text that

electro-mobility introduced on a mass scale can make everyday transport for people and goods cheaper.